Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One of the suggestions we saw this week was using real everyday objects as tools for learning phonemes. Phonemic awareness has been stressed as being one of the most important keys to functional literacy. Something kind of bothered me about it we really want M for Marcus to be inextricably linked to McDonald's?
This is something I've been thinking about a lot. I loved the idea of using authentic materials and showing how print-rich the world around them really is, but for some reason, the idea of teaching kindergartners letters through commercial packaging rubbed me the wrong way. Advertising is already such a huge part of kids' lives, do I really want to promote that? Then again, will I have a choice? A lot of schools are already sponsored by soda companies and the like.
I want to get off my high horse and do what is most effective and most relevant for students, but I think I would feel better if we talked about this.

Something to consider: kids' reactions to branding can be pretty adorable...

1 comment:

  1. Francesca,

    Funny, I used this very same video in my blog this week. I like the idea of linking letters in the alphabet to students' names, however, like you, I was unsure whether I would use commercialized business names such as McDonalds like Bell does in her article. I love the point you brought up about whether you really would want to promote that in your classroom. It is interesting and certainly something to think on. Still, it is funny that we both thought about this and found the same video. It's cute isn't it?

    See you Monday,

